What Does It Mean?
Women’s Self
Is self empowerment the same as self motivation or self love? Empowerment can cover countless areas of your life. “Women Of Purpose On The Rise” was created to offer women information, self help and resources through website, podcast, email and other social platforms that impact your life. “Women Of Purpose On The Rise” in the areas of social, educational, economic, political and psychological empowerment. Call Us! 704.713.4820 or click our “Special Upcoming Events” button below.
Generating New Ideas. Solving old Problems
Solving most problems starts with gathering infomation,the more sources you have to chose from,the better off you are
What percent of the US population is female?
How Much Does a Woman Make To a Man's Dollar?
6-Year Graduation Rate For Females?
Percentage of Women In Congress?
What Do You Need?
For Additional Sources Click Here
Been thinking about additional education,but worried about financing? Check some of the following sources to get you started.
Women’s social empowerment is accepted as the method of developing autonomy and self-confidence, both individually and collectively.
The ability of women to be part of and benefit from economic growth in ways that respect their contributions.
Being aware of your political status and your access to local,state and federal goverment can be a powerful thing
Psychological empowerment meaning fitting in the the needs of one’s work role, what one believes and behaviours.
Spiritual Empowerment includes growing one’s autonomy and decision making skills
Housing Problems?
Being threatened with eviction,behind on the rent? Need to know who to call? With our local as well as national contacts, Call us or contact us by email, or better yet,click on the “learn More” tab, you still have rights.
Upcoming events
Our upcoming events cover all types of activities, don’t forget to leave us your contact information and we will keep you updated. Thanks!
women of purpose on the rise
“Most people who meet my wife quickly conclude that she is remarkable. They are right about this. She is smart, funny and thoroughly charming. Often, after hearing her speak at some function or working with her on a project, people will approach me and say something to the effect of, you know, I think the world of you, Barack, but your wife, wow!”